2015-05-05 20:49
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美聯社昨報導「朱習會」時提及朱立倫「重申支持與中國終極統一」(eventual unification),雖經國民黨抗議並聲稱美聯社已撤稿,但美聯社該篇報導僅更新加入「九二共識」字眼,並未撤稿,且該社報導談及朱支持與中國終極統一的新聞,還不只一篇。
美聯社昨(4日)下午5時24分由記者Christopher Bodeen所撰寫,標題名為「In China, Taiwan party leader calls for more global access」的報導,提到「朱立倫重申他的政黨支持與中國終極統一,這是中國嚴格堅持的立場,但此論點在認為台灣是獨立國家的年輕人中愈來愈不受歡迎」(Eric Chu also affirmed his party's support for eventual unification with the Chinese mainland, a stance China holds sacred but which is increasingly unpopular among young Taiwanese who see their island as an independent country.)。
經國民黨抗議後,美聯社昨晚8時10分更新該則報導,文中增加「九二共識」字眼,指「朱立倫重申支持兩岸於1992年達成的共識,而此共識被北京解讀為終極統一目標」(Eric Chu also affirmed his party's support for a consensus reached between Chinese and Taiwanese negotiators in 1992 that is interpreted by Beijing as a commitment to eventual unification.)
美聯社還另發出標題為「Taiwan party leader affirms eventual reunion with China」的報導,內容提及台灣執政黨黨魁在「朱習會」中,「重申他的政黨支持與中國終極統一」,此可視為過去敵對狀態的兩岸持續和解的一部分。(The head of Taiwan's Nationalists reaffirmed the party's support for eventual unification with the mainland when he met Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of continuing rapprochement between the former bitter enemies.)
美聯社(Associated Press,簡稱AP)是美國最大通訊社。